Friday, July 21, 2006

Home Stamp Home!

Well, I have returned from yet another AWESOME year at Stamping' Up! Convention! It amazes me with all the new ideas & techniques that I learn each year.

I have recently signed 2 new stampin' fanatics so I am really excited about this next year. I have been a glorified hobbyist for some time now, but with a team under me, I am really pumped!

Many of you asks what I do with the kids when I am gone......Well, that is where their daddy comes in! Billy took off work to stay with them all week. Man, can I just tell you.........

I arrived back home on a Sunday. At the bottom of the first set of escalator, my family was there holding this huge sign that said, "WELCOME HOME MOMMY!" I started crying right there. They were dressed to the nines as they had come from the 8:15am service. We we got back to the house, it was clean. Oh thank goodness cause I was not really looking forward to cleaning & unpacking!

The kids told me about all the things they did with Daddy....park, swimming pool, 2 birthday parties, walks & bike rides. Man, did they have fun!

Oh yea! Did I mention that we have 4 kids between the age of 6-1? My husband is AMAZING!!!

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