Sunday, June 08, 2008

Closing Date...

SO we have been up & down since May about when we could close....we finally have a date! JUNE 20th! Which also happens to be Avery's 3rd Birthday so we are still working on that issue as well. She has been going on & on about her Birthday party at the pool so we will figure something. Life is crazy here so if you do not hear from me till July, you know why...Billy is gone for most of June so that leaves me relying on my friend, Shara & my family for all the help around close dates. Billy is here for 2 days after closing then off to work for Raytheon! BTW, have i mentioned how great a company Raytheon is???? Man, we have been so blessed to have a job with them. Nothing like the AF that is for sure! Gotta run! I have have alot of packing still to go!I will keep you posted!


Anonymous said...

YAY another post!!! she's still alive... thought you might of fallen off the edge of the planet...

Audra said...

Wonderful! We are still keeping our fingers crossed to hear from Raytheon. The house looks great and we are excited to hear that you have a date.