Monday, March 10, 2008

Calling for Prayers...

We received some sad news last Thursday evening. For some of you, you may not know the whole story. Here is a brief summary:

Jean (Billy's mom) was diagnosed with lung cancer in mid-January while admitted to the hospital for pneumonia. There was a stint put in to help her breathe while she recovered from the pneumonia & then the plan was to attack with radiation treatments.
Earlier this week, Jean was readmitted to the hospital because the pneumonia was back. Apparently, she had not recovered from it before the radiation treatments. Along with adjusting other meds, it has become quite draining on her body. On Thursday, her kidneys started failing & she was told that the cancer was spreading too rapidly. She was given 2 weeks at the most. She decided she had enough. We brought her home on Friday night with Hospice.

We are in the process of getting all her affairs in order & enjoying what time we have with her. She spends most of the day sleeping. Please pray for our family as we go through this tough but natural process. It is hard at times to believe it but everyday it becomes more real. Please pray for the strength to know what to do & when to do it. I will keep you posted as much as I can.

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