Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Fallin' into Daily Routine....

Well, It has been almost a month since I have written.It amazes me how time can fly nowadays. The girls are in full-day school. While that is nice most of the time, It definately wears them out by the end of the week. I know that Leah would sleep every afternoon if I let her.

AJ has a Pre-school that he attends 3 days a week for 3 hours in the morning. He usually takes a nap on those days. I guess playing & learning is HARD work.

Over Fall Break, we missed Balloon Fiesta yet again to travel to Texas for some much needed family time. We stopped in San Angelo for a couple of days & were lucky enough to visit with some good friends as well as spend time with Grandma, Papa, & my nephew, Robert. The picture above is of Grandma feeding our Avery-puppy. She was so cute just poised like a sitting puppy.

On Sunday, we headed to Brady where the kids & I hung out with Mom & the boys while Billy went fishing with the KWAST men. Apparently, I do not have what it takes to go on this fishing trip, so my husband took my place. :)

He claims that he "had a blast". He did comment that there was not a whole lot of fishing but he was glad for the much needed break. I have heard a few fish stories but with no pictures or fish to show, I am not so sure about them.

It is amazing how long it takes me to get back to the grind of daily life when we were out of pocket for only a few days. I think the fact that I am tired when I get home from a trip has to do with it somewhat.

As far as our job situation, it has changed again somewhat. The early separation packet that we applied for was disapproved. Apparently, the AF thought they could let people out in Billy' s career field, but then after almost 6 weeks into the program, changed their mind. Leave it to the government to be indecisive.

That changes our family plans for now. We are still looking to separate from the AF, most likely by June 2007. We are looking for a job in 2 primary locations, HERE & DALLAS, TX. There are a few other options but these are our concetrated places for now.

I will try to update this page more often with the status of our family job sitation. Pleas keep our family in your prayers as we have some exciting & scary choices to make in the next few months!

1 comment:

Lauren The Artist said...

Regarding the USAF... Are you freakin kidding me?! Holy smokes. I dont have anything nice or cohearent to say. WOW. Just know, I'm thinking WOW for you, here in SKorea. WOW. and DANG! Holy smokes.
